A Personal Trainer for Your Loan
Pay Your Loan Off Faster
Why pay a car payment for 60 months when you could do it in 54? Term reduction is possible with even the lowest interest rate.*
Avoid the Hassle of
Monthly Payments
Accelerate Your Equity
With PegasusPay™, you will begin to see equity build faster on your loan, which will mean a lower pay-off amount when you trade for your next vehicle.
With PegasusPay™ you don't need to remember to make your monthly payment. We can customize a debit schedule to fit your needs.
Learn About Our Complete
Payment Solution
There is a new and better way to pay your loan! Let us show you how we can help.
*Term reduction varies by customer based on loan terms and participation in PegasusPay’s program. The examples are provided as illustrations only.

PegasusPay™ offers a vehicle loan payment service. We debit your bank account every other week and send your monthly loan payment to your lender. We’ll work with you to construct a personalized debit schedule that meets your needs.
PegasusPay™ can make payments to any lender.
Our knowledgeable customer support staff is available Monday - Friday from 8 am-6 pm CST. All customer support is located within the United States.
Convenience - Let us handle your payments for you.
Accelerate Equity - Reduce interest and build equity faster.
Term Reduction - Pay off your loan faster.
And more - Learn about the many benefits of using PegasusPay™
Simplify Your Finances
Let us take the hassle out of your loan payment! With PegasusPay™, we'll automatically debit your bank account based on a schedule that works for you.
Click here to learn more about how we can save you time and money, and possibly help you improve your credit score!