Why You Should Use PegasusPay™️
With PegasusPay™:
there is no need to remember to make your monthly payment.
you can budget for smaller, more manageable debits.
you can time the debits to occur when you are paid.
no more last-minute trips to the post office.
payments are deducted electronically based on the schedule you select.
it's easier to make your payments on time, which may help build your credit score.
you'll eliminate late fees caused by forgotten or lost payments.
We want to make your bill-paying experience convenient. Our program eliminates the need to remember to make your monthly payment. We give you the ability to budget for smaller, more manageable debits. Your debits will occur electronically based on a schedule that best suits your needs.
Term Reduction
PegasusPay™ wants to help you reduce your term. Why make car payments for 48, 60, or 72 months when it can be done in less? Term reduction is possible with even the lowest interest rates. Any loan can be paid off more quickly using PegasusPay™.
Based upon the results of our customer's experience with the PegasusPay™ program, term reductions*:
A 48-month loan can be reduced by an average of 5 months
A 60-month loan can be reduced by an average of 6 months
A 72-month loan can be reduced by an average of 7 months
Equity Acceleration
With PegasusPay™ you will see equity build faster on your loan, as compared to using the traditional payment method. Using PegasusPay™ to accelerate your equity and fight interest will mean a lower pay-off amount due when it is time to trade for your next vehicle..
With PegasusPay™:
you will build equity faster and pay off your loan sooner.
over time, your payoff amount should be lower if you trade in your vehicle.
paying off debt more quickly may help improve your credit history.
you'll eliminate late fees caused by forgotten or lost payments.
*Term reduction varies by customer based on loan terms and participation in PegasusPay’s program. The examples are provided as illustration only.